How Does Algorithmic Thinking Help Solve Problems? The Basics Of Algorithmic Thinking


Algorithmic thinking has a significant impact on our lives. It allows us to solve problems and make decisions more quickly and efficiently. Algorithms can be found in a variety of places, from Google Maps to Facebook recaps. They are simple sequences of instructions that can be used to achieve the desired result.

How do algorithms impact our lives?

They are at the heart of everything we do, from shopping on Amazon to booking a flight. So how do they impact our lives? They are designed to make decisions quickly and efficiently. They help us navigate our way through complex systems, making our lives easier in the process.

There are many different types of algorithms, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Some of them are suited for solving specific types of problems while others are more versatile. There is no single algorithm that works best for every situation; instead, different methods are appropriate for different tasks.

But they have their downside too. For example, they can lead to massive discrimination and even human rights abuses. They can also be used to manipulate and control people. So while algorithms undeniably play a major role in our lives, we should be careful how we use them – and always remember that humans are still at the center of everything.

Solving problems


Algorithmically, we can think about solving problems in three ways: by using brute force (try all possible combinations), by using a heuristic (a rule of thumb that often works well in practice), or by using an algorithm.

One of the most famous examples of an algorithmic problem is the traveling salesman problem. This problem was first formulated in the early 1900s by mathematician George Pólya. It asks how many different routes a salesman can take to visit all of his customers, given that he only has a certain amount of time and money available to him. Today, this problem is used in business and computer programming research, as it provides a powerful tool for understanding complex problems.

The basics of algorithmic thinking

It represents a process of problem-solving that relies on algorithms. As defined by the Association for Computing Machinery, an algorithm is “a set of ordered steps or procedures for solving a problem.” This kind of thinking helps solve problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks and then using logic to identify and apply the appropriate set of rules.

The first step is identifying the problem. This can be done by reading a question or scenario and trying to come up with a solution, or by breaking down a problem into its component parts and then attempting to solve each one separately. Once the problem has been identified, the next step is to develop a plan of action. This involves outlining what will need to be done in order to solve the problem and when it will need to be done. The plan of action should also include any possible risks or complications that might arise during the process of solving the problem.

Once the plan of action has been developed, it’s time to start solving the problem. This involves applying the correct algorithm to each component of the puzzle in order to arrive at a solution. If there are any complications or risks associated with solving the puzzle, they should be accounted for during this stage as well. Once all components of the puzzle have been solved, it’s time to test and verify that the solution is correct. Finally, documentation should be created in order to track progress and provide proof that the task was successfully completed. More on this topic can be found at

Why is algorithmic thinking important?


Because it can be used to solve problems that are difficult or impossible to solve using traditional problem-solving techniques. It can also be used in a variety of fields, such as business, engineering, and medical sciences. Traditional problem-solving techniques involve breaking the problem into smaller pieces and trying to solve each one individually. This process can be time-consuming and may not always result in a solution. Algorithmic thinking involves designing a step-by-step solution to the problem instead. This process can be faster and more efficient, resulting in solutions that are often more effective than those achieved using traditional problem-solving techniques.

It is becoming increasingly important as the world becomes more complex. The increasing use of computers and digital technology has led to an increase in the number of complex problems that need to be solved. Algorithmic thinking can help us find solutions to these problems by automating or speeding up the process of finding solutions.

Can all problems be solved with this method?

There is a pervasive belief that all problems can be solved algorithmically, and this assumption has had a significant impact on the way we think about and design computer systems. While it is true that algorithms can be extremely effective at solving certain types of problems, this assumption does not always hold true. In fact, many complex problems cannot be solved using this method.

This is because most traditional algorithms are designed to solve problems that can be broken down into simple subproblems. However, when dealing with complex problems, these subproblems often interact in ways that are not predictable or controllable. As a result, traditional algorithms are unable to solve these problems effectively.

Instead, new algorithms are needed that can deal with these complexities. They are often called “non-traditional” because they do not follow the same patterns as traditional ones. Instead of trying to predict how individual pieces of data will behave, non-traditional algorithms focus on understanding the underlying structure of the problem. This allows them to find solutions that are more efficient and effective than those produced by traditional algorithms.



Algorithmic thinking is a powerful tool that can help solve problems. It involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller parts and then using algorithms to solve those parts. This can often lead to solutions that are faster and more efficient than traditional methods, which is why it’s so important for professionals in fields like engineering and computer science. In the future, we may even see algorithmic thinking become the dominant method of problem-solving, as it becomes easier and faster to come up with solutions. So, if you’re ever stumped by a problem, try applying algorithmic thinking to see if you can find a solution.